The following is a review of all of the pages that are available on, and brief descriptions of each page by Brandon Aker.
Index: this page is the "Home" of my website. This is the page that you see upon typing in my URL.
About me: this page is about the creator of the site, Brandon Aker, or me. On this page I tell about some of the current events that are going on with my life outside of school.
Life: this is about like the about me page, but it describes in more depth about the events and does include some information about my school and stuff like that.
Writings: this is the page that I publically display some of my better writings that I have collected and written myself over the years.
Writings 2: is a continued version of the regular writings page, with some more of my greater writings.
Links: this a page where I display some 200ish links for the viewer to visit if they so desire. The sites listen includes personal pages, tv channels, and wrestling sites, among many others.
Links 2: is a continued version of the regular links page, but this page has site banners, instead of regular text links.
Site Review Page: this is the page that you are currently viewing.
Brandon Aker, 2000. Last modified April 4, 2000.